Eight Reasons to Use K9Grass at Your Home

Do you have dogs? If so, your yard may look like this one below: lots of dry, brown grass with ruts and grooves where the dogs constantly run in your yard. Not only that, but when it rains, dogs track mud and grass into your home.
These homeowners decided it was time to spruce up their backyard and chose to install K9Grass Lite. The yard now looks bigger with the lush, green artificial grass. Dogs are happy and so are the homeowners - they have a beautiful outdoor space where they can relax, entertain family and friends and enjoy their dogs.
Top Eight Reasons to Use K9Grass in Your Backyard
No mowing or watering
No more mud
No more dirty paw prints on your floor
Discourages digging
Safe and durable
Dogs love to roll on it
Antimicrobial blades
Always green!
Ready to talk? Make an appointment with a ForeverLawn Des Moines consultant today for a free consultation and estimate.